It's easy to oversimplify the issues involved.
Unfortunately, pieces of science journalism can also oversimplify and generalize their subject material to the point that the basic information conveyed is obscured or at worst, obviously wrong.
"I don't want to oversimplify," he says.
Both sides of this debate oversimplify their cases.
They should not oversimplify or highlight incidents out of context.
This one is simple, and also easy to oversimplify since people still have to get paid.
Without constraints, you just have data, not a data model (to slightly oversimplify matters).
Meetings can make it difficult for everyone to participate and can lead people to oversimplify problems.
The problem with categories like right or wrong is that they constrain and oversimplify – reality rarely fits into such a neat package.
In Depth provides specific, tested, and proven solutions to the problems you run into every day-things other books ignore or oversimplify.
Yes, this does oversimplify an E-mail address structure and probably would reject certain valid E-mail addresses, but as an example it's sufficient.
If we oversimplify just a little, we can say that a person works on a need until it is reasonably well satisfied, and then moves on to the next one.
While there are over a hundred other factors, you can oversimplify this and say that the page with the best mix of relevant (to the query), quality links to it wins.
It's oversimplify for the criminal constitution of the crime of a serious accident of a project defined in criminal Law, so there are necessity to inquire it in theory and practice.
It's oversimplify for the criminal constitution of the crime of a serious accident of a project defined in criminal Law, so there are necessity to inquire it in theory and practice.