Since Chinese dream is made up of every ordinary people's dreams, we can help realize Chinese dream by striving to make our own dreams come true.
No need to justify your shortcomings or wrong actions, simply own up to your mistakes and recognize that you need help in changing them.
Retailers and publishers have fought hard to work their way up in the ranking of Google’s search results and refine the search features of their own Web sites to help users once they arrive.
You see your service and clearly understand your part in keeping your vibrations as high as possible so that you can help raise others up to hear their own highest guidance within.
Instead of fiddling about with their own arcane procedures, they should enlist lay authorities to help them clean up and obey the law, just like everybody else.
The following 10 date ideas should help put you in the mood and may even inspire you to come up with a few on your own.
He would boost the payments required of employers whose workers end up needing public subsidies to help them buy their own coverage.
People get caught up in looking for the immediate benefit to themselves in many situations and don't initiate that generous first step of offering their own help or service first.
Perhaps more performances will help Mr Sands to loosen up-he is undoubtedly passionate about the material, but hasn't yet made it his own.
Like his colleagues in textiles and clothing, he and other machine-tool manufacturers are looking at setting up their own private-equity firm to help them restructure.
With the help of marketing by cellular carriers and HTC's own television ads during the baseball World Series, HTC says that number is up to 40 percent.
To help you take the driver's seat in the buying experience, first learn to play the game, and you might even end up doing some smooth talking of your own.
And the rich world, troubled as it is, must never give up in its effort to help the poor one to stand on its own feet.
If you feel you can't stand up to teasing and bullying on your own, it's OK to ask for a little help.
I wouldn't want to downplay the help I've gotten from my teachers, but I think I also got a lot out of studying and reading up on things on my own.
But the news overall is cheerier. And the rich world, troubled as it is, must never give up in its effort to help the poor one to stand on its own feet.
The answers to these questions will help you judge the organization's adoption level and their commitment to Scrum, so you can match it up against your own expectations.
Researching the company thoroughly ahead of time, doing your best to anticipate questions, and thinking up some smart questions of your own can help calm you down, he adds.
If the world is to contain its carbon emissions, America must not only clean up its own act but also help China to green its economic growth.
This is not just about finding affordable pads but really trying to help these rural women feel empowered, to run their own enterprises and move up the socioeconomic ladder.
Though the little boy tumbled, his parents didn't help him but encouraged him to stand up on his own.
John didn't cry for very long. Less than a minute later, he looked up into Cameron's eyes. He began wiping the tears away, and she lifted her own hand up to help him.
But in troubled times, franchisors can step up their game by sending their own staff into a franchisee's location to provide real-world training and extra help in signing up clients.
If the Football League want to devalue their own competition, that's up to them, but they shouldn't then be upset if people use these games to help in the development of young players.
If the Football League want to devalue their own competition, that's up to them, but they shouldn't then be upset if people use these games to help in the development of young players.