Agreements. The concept that underpins a VIE structure is that control is obtained through legal agreements rather than through share ownership.
The factors that impact the structure of company ownership are various, the major factors are the securities regulation level and legal environment for the protection of outside investors.
We focus primarily on differences in ownership structure at the firm level, while controlling for the legal regime of the country and other factor.
However, the complex ownership relations, organizational structure, internal exchanges, and business partnerships exposes the Bank Group to legal risk.
Abstract: From the perspective of private law rights, studies the rights structure and the legal nature of part ownership rights in obtained common property housing.
Article 77 the ownership holder and the user of a building shall maintain the legal usage as well as the structure and equipment safety of the building.
Each of ownership concentration degree, ownership structure, legal person share, and circulate A-share has no significant effect on the company's performance.
Each of ownership concentration degree, ownership structure, legal person share, and circulate A-share has no significant effect on the company's performance.