Even now the law remains controversial because it codifies the individual's right to own land in a state that was founded on the principle of communal ownership.
Upon such use may include the right of ownership of real and personal property situated on the land as may be permitted by the law.
Article 13 The ownership and use right of land registered according to law shall be protected by law and no unit or individual is eligible to infringe upon it.
The ownership and right of use of legally registered forest, forest wood and forest land shall be protected by law. Any unit or individual shall not infringe.
Abstract: There is no definite stipulation about which department to define the owner's exclusive right and distinguishable ownership in Chinese law.
Land ownership and land use right registered according to law are protected by law upon which no unit or individual shall infringe.
Now, our country is making the law of real right. Ownership becomes the focus of discussions.
The system foundation of our country's farmland finance is the separation of the ownership and usage right of the farmland, and gives the law position of the farmland usage right.
That citizen enjoys the right of testament freedom is the best manifestation that law provides ownership of citizen's property with overall protection.
This paper mainly discussed the classification and the relationship between ownership and management technological innovation on the basis of definition of patent right law.
In our country, the land-use right system manifests an idea that the central of traditional civil law is the ownership, but actually scholars dispute it quite a lot.
The common owners preemptive right is not stipulated in the Law of Property, but when the relationship of common ownership vanishes, it is safer to vest the ot.
The common owners preemptive right is not stipulated in the Law of Property, but when the relationship of common ownership vanishes, it is safer to vest the ot.