Many think oxygen doesn’t hurt and you can give as much as possible to make up for a deficiency.
Put simply, the blood becomes more watery and can't carry as much oxygen - iron deficiency anaemia.
Results: the existence of the phenomenon of the deficiency in both blood and oxygen of the fetus when the irregular image of the fetus umbilical artery blood flow spectrum curve emerged.
From the investigations, lack of nitrogen and phosphorus, oxygen deficiency in aeration basin of SBR, high concentration of sulfide in the wastewater is found.
The nonstandard technique of using oxygen, deficiency capability of oxygen supplying equipment, the existed quality and design questions in lance, the unreasonable operation etc.
Methods: 1. Design a table for quantified scoring of oxygen deficiency, and classify mild, moderate and severe oxygen deficiency according to the scoring.
Nitrification and denitrification accord with the theory of maldistribution of DO and theory of deficiency of oxygen in microenvironment.
This chart shows symptoms of oxygen deficiency from an article by Dr. Spencer Way an the Journal of the American Association of Physicians.
If the boiler operation of boiler blower air distribution is not reasonable or volume deficiency, low oxygen, can make the furnace to be restored atmosphere.
The effects of magnesium deficiency on the growth and active oxygen scavenging system under different light intensities were studied in cucumber.
The influence of oxygen deficiency on the optical response of LCMO thin films in metallic and insulating state has been analyzed.
The influence of oxygen deficiency on the optical response of LCMO thin films in metallic and insulating state has been analyzed.