Package price excludes taxes and surcharges.
The outer frame package price is not very expensive, but also more convenient to fill backpacks.
Higher package price and minium stay will be applied for hotel stay during the specified period.
Meals are provided as a package price and we do not offer discounts to learners who bring their own food.
In any package of products and services, from banking to mobile calling plans, the price of each individual component is often determined by psychology, not cost.
The advantage for me was that by having this recipe for building the packages, I could just create Debian packages using the same recipe, and hence get two package types almost for the price of one!
The page sold a package of very neat Mac OS X applications for a discounted price and for a limited time.
But that was presented as a bargain compared with the price of inaction-estimated by Mr Barroso at ten times that of the new energy package.
They also thought the original price at 5 yuan [73 cents] for 14 cookies was too expensive, and the package was too big, so we repacked it in a smaller size at 2 yuan [29 cents] for seven cookies.
When the price of a television set or software package goes up, demand for it generally falls. When the price of a financial asset rises, demand generally increases.
When we talk about price making mechanism and how to implement tax refund policy, the package of policy act as the Chinese medicine to execuate comprehensive treatment.
在价格机制方面,包括对出口退税政策的把握问题。 总的来说,这些一揽子政策有点类似中药配方的综合治疗。
The 2009 stimulus package also spurred consumer price inflation to a year-over-year acceleration of 5.5 percent in May.
Unlike the Nikon D90, or DSLRs from competing brands, this Nikon adds those video capabilities to the package for a total price of $699– including an 18 – 55MM lens.
And the plunge in BP's share price has wiped out the equity-related part of his pay package as ceo-a significant punishment.
But it has a powerful organising idea: take the latest technology, package it in a simple, elegant form and sell it at a premium price.
Review on planning report settings periodically, make updates on lead time, min. order, product package and price settings.
As for the marketing mix, we'll package it in gold foil with dark brown lettering to simulate chocolate, and price it 20% higher than our chocolate-covered ice-cream bar.
To realize their aims, they should adopt such perceptual strategies as design, trademark, package, price, advertisement and marketing, etc.
This paper investigated the tourist commodities of Emei Mountain and discovers the following problems: lack of peculiarity, low level of development, nonstandard price and out-of-date package.
The high price for the package tours in the travel service has discouraged its business income.
The firm thus spends less time than Nestlé studying local culinary habits, and more time trying to work out the right package sizes and prices—Indian consumers are highly price-sensitive.
Elements of positioning include the product's name, its price and everything which is included in the total package.
Elements of positioning include the product's name, its price and everything which is included in the total package.