It was a really enlightening and liberating experience to reduce our belongings to a few packing cases stored in my parents' house and two suitcases, and to start completely afresh.
If your house is not completely packed by now, you will have to finish up all packing today.
While packing up their belongings and preparing to leave the house, they discovered a copy of Action Comics No.1, which could fetch upwards of $250,000 when it goes up for auction.
Our first meal in the red house was pizza, eaten cold as we sat on packing boxes.
I can always make good wages railroading, or at the packing house, and be sure of my money.
Thee road to the White House is paved in food. And in the digital age, one culinary misstep can send you packing for good.
I was packing, cleaning the house, and saying countless goodbyes. In short, it was a terribly.
"It's like leaving the house where you were born, " said Susanna Cestari, who had worked there 32 years, packing boxes for the move.
Or, as another example, you may have been thinking of delaying a sale of a house until housing prices rise again, but when the right offer suddenly shows up, you may need to start packing!
The status quo of the1st CPF: the locations reserved for liquid sulfur tank farm liquid sulfur pond sulfur solidification unit and sulfur packing machine house are macadam sites now.
Three of the family have been packing in the small house with an area of 10-square-meters, which is too small to allow them to go about their daily life freely.
All of our beef is of the finest quality. It's from the finest packing house in our country.
True. But there's a cost to having empty shoe boxes, flattened packing boxes, and half-filled cans of paints piled around your house.
Without finishing her packing, she rushes out of her house, this point of her life, rushes straight to the future.
Appropriately over-hot design, make the steam quality is good. It is an ideal product for habiliment factory, washing store, packing house, and so on.
We have been really busy since we are in the middle of packing to move. Our house is super crazy. I can hardly walk in there.
It is used of producing agricultural ground film, green house film, medical film, heavy packing film for petrochemical and other package film for foods, fruit, commodity and industry etc.
It is used of producing agricultural ground film, green house film, medical film, heavy packing film for petrochemical and other package film for foods, fruit, commodity and industry etc.