If they need to use others' words, they need to quote them and give the page number, even if it is only one word.
It is enough to put the page number and one or two words as a reminder.
For example, in the request for a multipage result set, the client should include the actual page number to retrieve instead of simply asking for next (see Figure 2).
While I love and use Foxit Reader the most, I give its interface the thumbs down for its strange default omission of the status bar (page layout, page number and navigation).
Each page is labeled at the bottom, showing the current page number, such as "page 12 of 15".
In the example below, TTITLE is defined with the PGNO option, which causes the page number to be displayed at the top of each page in the report.
RIDs are often depicted as (page number; slot number), or (0;10) in decimal notation, (0;A) in hexadecimal notation.
The portlet can decide which page to render based on the page number given in a render parameter.
They specify the page number and the slot on the page that a record is located in.
To address the next page of the newspaper, it would be sufficient to encode the next page number into the render link for the shown button.
In the PDF version of the Master Index, entries are displayed by manual, using an abbreviated manual identifier and a hyperlinked page number for each entry.
在PD f版的主索引中,手册显示了所有条目,并对每个条目使用了缩写的手册标识符和超链接页码。
She wipes her pen over the newspaper's name, date, section, and page number and then circles the quote.
Notice that Listing 13 implements a simple paging system, which expects a page number in the request URL.
For the most practical use of the published PDF, page numbering is necessary, and therefore the only style element that should be customized here is the page number alignment.
Again, page numbering on the PDF is necessary for practical usage, so the only style element that should be customized here is the page number alignment.
This sign might be valid where the scanner has picked up a page number that in an e-Reader context might no longer be relevant.
After the dictionary is connected, it performs the same search for HTML text files as in Listing 1, but this time, instead of looking for page number tags, it looks for paragraphs with real text.
To use these methods, the user has to pass the page number and the number of elements desired.
The first line displays the current page number, and the second line displays the new value for EDLEVEL column.
This means that the Spaces between the bookmark title and the referenced page number on the table of contents are repetitiously filled with the dot character.
The default header includes the filename and file creation date and time, along with a page number and two lines of blank footer.
The example application consists of a portlet made up of multiple pages that displays the current page number, a timestamp, three links to browse the available pages, and an "Invalidate me!"
该示例应用程序包含一个由多个页面组成的Portlet,其中显示当前的页码、时间戳、三个用于浏览可用页面的链接以及一个“Invalidate me !”
By default, the page number is center aligned; if desired, you can leave it left or right aligned using the left or right element, respectively.
Selpg keeps track of the current page number as follows: If input is fixed-lines-per-page, it counts newlines until the page length is reached and increments a page counter.
The Kindle tells you your "location" in the book and gives the percentage of the book you've read, rather than showing a page number.
In addition, instead of just seeing results sorted by page number, Google Books can now also sort results by relevance.
The defaultSignPageLabelStyeBack template in Listing 3 controls the display of the PDF’s electronic signature page number on the footer on the back of the published signed PDF.
清单3 所示的defaultSignPageLabelStyeBack模板控制着发布的签名PDF背面页脚处 PDF电子签名页码的显示。
Iterating through the tags and filtering for those that have a class attribute of newpage, you can find the value of the id attribute that contains the page number.
Pick the first uncircled page number from the line corresponding to the today's date (after a repetition, the repeated page is encircled to avoid repeating it for the second time).
Also, MLA research paper formats require that students put their last name followed by the page number at the top of each page of the report, except the cover page.