The privacy policies also leave important questions unanswered. For instance, how long do the companies store page-view data?
There are a lot of different types of data that can train a system: votes, clicks, page-view time, purchases, tagging, adding a title - the user does these things anyway, and you can use the data.
Cohn says this kind of page-view tracking may seem innocuous, but if the company keeps the data long-term, the information could be subpoenaed to check someone's alibi, or as evidence in a lawsuit.
From the tabs at the top of the page, you can view your work, create new tasks, or use viewers for files like presentations and spreadsheets.
You can also modify HTML on a page, view the source for a specific area of the page, and make all kinds of modifications without having to write any JavaScript whatsoever.
After you have created the new team place, you can use the tabs in the welcome page to view and work with its various elements.
You can page through the results in the same manner as the full page view above.
A common navigator is present to let a user choose which page to view at any time.
In the message view page, click on the glasses icon next to the attachment file name.
In this example, you may want a Main view page that lists the contacts you have created.
The home page view and the contact list view are two places where page layouts were enhanced to exploit the larger screen size available with desktop browser.
When users start Lotus Symphony, the home page (view) presents them with an immediate actions page.
the page view feature lets you look at multiple websites and documents by scrolling thru them one after another
Although you can compile and run the application at this time, it would be better to add the Employee detail page and view the finished result.
Drag the broker SDO from the page data view and drop it onto the page editor (Figures 17 and 18).
Complementing these actions are four additional links on the home page view, shown in figure 4.
Figure 15 shows the Browse troubleshooting links module, expanded to its full page view.
A result Web page generated by the view -renderer JSP, result.jsp.
视图-生成器js p生成的一个结果We b页面result .jsp。
The commandClass and commandName tags determine the bean that will be active in the view page.
After successfully logging in, the user will be at the Main view page (Figure 3), showing the list of contacts specific to that user.
Now that I've persisted a ticket, I'll forward users to a page where they can view the ticket.
Placing the logic inside an action method does not guarantee that it will be executed prior to rendering because a page view is not always preceded by a user-triggered event.
Users expect they can click the Back button to return to the previous page or view.
It’s quite conceivable to build re-usable views for rendering RSS feeds or other XML output or a specific page display view like a login form or error page for example.
On this page, grant portlet view access to all authenticated users.
In this article, you've seen how to use data templates by dragging data from the page data view onto the page and then learned how to locate these templates in the Preferences dialog.
This choice specifies which attribute is modified when you drag data from the page data view onto a JSF tag in a page.
When you drag a piece of data from the page data view onto a JSP page, a wizard is displayed to let you choose what types of UI controls to generate.
If data is dropped from the Page data view onto the control, the Default attribute chosen here will be bound to the data.
Expand the customerSummary bean in the Page Data view and change the contained type for the issues property (see Figure 12).