Listing 5 shows the snippet of the property page extension.
Each search result entry contains the page title, size, word count, namespace (more on this later), and a snippet of page content.
After the page has been re-crawled and re-indexed, the search result with an updated snippet and cached page (based on the new content) can be visible.
Listing 5. plugin.xml manifest file snippet for the HSQLDB project property page.
清单5 .plugin . xml清单文件中针对HSQLDB项目属性页的片断。
Base this value on the page size and on the size of the other relational columns. Listing 3 shows the code snippet to do this.
Does page 129 in the snippet above really exist?
You can choose an icon to notify viewers of your work and then grab the HTML snippet to add to your page.
Once your request has been processed, we'll remove the snippet and the cached page from search results.
You can certainly accomplish this with a template for the result page and a snippet for the paging mechanism.
If they're looking for a snippet of information on a page or are engrossed in content, they won't be distracted by the ads on the side.
For example, the code snippet just shown cancels the transition to the new page if the current user is not authorized to view pages with an index greater than 4.
In a JSP page the HTML snippet shown in Listing 2 could look like the example in Listing 3.
The example in Listing 1 uses those variables in the following code snippet to tell Fop the page layout wanted for the document.
To get an idea, publish a page with this snippet to the web.
If you have a Google account, you can register for Google Analytics and receive a code snippet that you can enter here to embed it into your Jimdo page.
How can I mark my page as a featured snippet? You can't.
How can I mark my page as a featured snippet? You can't.