Whatever seems to be the cause of any pain and suffering you feel, this is still true.
I cannot imagine the pain and suffering Lance Corporal Bernard's death has caused his family.
Memories of lives of pain and suffering that remained unresolved at the end of those lives.
And at the same time, their griddles and POTS spoke: Pain and suffering you have caused us.
The flesh you are eating when buying commercially produced meats is the product of pain and suffering.
如果你知道鸡和鸡蛋是如何商业化生产的,知道鸡在整个一生中会经受多大的苦难,你就会反思是否还会吃鸡。 几乎所有商业化生产的肉类莫不如此。
We believe that every creature with a will to live has a right to live free from pain and suffering.
We believe that every creature with a will to live has a right to live free from pain and suffering.
Rather suffered the world's pain and suffering, but also one thousand Wan Do not come to this point.
To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life.
The ribbon on the crown, not genius fiber twist, but with pain and suffering of silk textile strands.
After 2 weeks of pain and suffering I understood that it was time to change something in my lifestyle.
This year, we experienced the pain and suffering rare, but also gain an unprecedented success and joy.
The reply is simple: People may get used to pain and suffering, but that is no reason to perpetuate them.
And she told doctors that their true responsibility was to prevent pain and suffering from ever happening.
Our goal is to build a rich, free and just society. But without pain and suffering, we will not realize it.
Jackson says a comprehensive screening test for prospective parents could avert a lot of pain and suffering.
The ribbon on the crown, not with a genius as fiber twist, but with pain and suffering of silk textile strands.
I think it is ridiculous that people have been forced by society to endure such considerable pain and suffering.
The film features no dialogue, but rather uses harsh and uncompromising images of human pain and suffering to tell its tale.
Everyday 99% of the medical doctors around the world are doing the very best they know how to help relieve pain and suffering.
If we have the courage to ask others questions and be open with our feelings, we can save a lot ourselves a lot of pain and suffering.
So now the woman is suing for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, permanent disability and a bunch of other garbage.
The aim, he says, was to identify thresholds of pain and suffering that would achieve results without legally qualifying as torture.
The aim, he says, was to identify thresholds of pain and suffering that would achieve results without legally qualifying as torture.