Catherine looked up, and instinctively raised her hand to her cheek: his neighbourhood revived a painful sensation.
The plasma can be touched by bare hands and can be directed manually by a user to place it into root canal for disinfection without causing any heating, electrical shock, or other painful sensation.
If you have sciatica, this will be very painful, marked by a burning sensation or a feeling of electric shock down your leg or in your upper back.
About one year after the infection, a painful blister forms - 90% of the time on the lower leg - and one or more worms emerge accompanied by a burning sensation.
At a distance of several football fields, the sensation from the exposure was like a blast from a very hot oven, too painful to bear without scrambling for cover.
At a distance of several football fields, the sensation from the exposure was like a blast from a very hot oven, too painful to bear without scrambling for cover.