Campers who sign up for the 2-week secret agent camp can get to know about the life of real secret agents by learning strategies and military skills on the paintball field.
Does a man with my intellectual gifts play paintball on weekends?
Employees were treated to catered holiday parties and picnics with paintball competitions.
Some of the sports are rather demanding henceforth, it might not suit all children i. e. paintball.
Who CARES, I don't think this is going to hurt relations. No worse than playing paintball against each other.
For the uninitiated, paintball can be described as a more sophisticated combination of tag and hide-and-seek.
Today, I was doing target practice with my new paintball pistol. One of the bullets missed, and hit my new neighbor's house.
Unique as the role may sound though it is not the first time an unusual job has come up for grabs, in the past there have been adverts for everything from a chocolate taster to a paintball tester.
虽然听起来新鲜,但这样非同寻常的工作岗位已经不是第一次出现了。 要知道,过去也出现过各种各样的招聘广告,包括巧克力品尝员、彩色弹珠测试员等等。
Unique as the role may sound though it is not the first time an unusual job has come up for grabs, in the past there have been adverts for everything from a chocolate taster to a paintball tester.
虽然听起来新鲜,但这样非同寻常的工作岗位已经不是第一次出现了。 要知道,过去也出现过各种各样的招聘广告,包括巧克力品尝员、彩色弹珠测试员等等。