This is a color averaging a pale purple.
Per pale purple and white, two knights combatant with swords, counter-charged.
There were thick tufts of scarlet and pink, and pale purple primroses under the plum trees.
Poster: Simple structure, the centre is the "The little prince and the fox, " with a dark and pale purple font, giving people the sense of cleanness.
海报: 构图简单,主人公为“小王子和狐狸”,字体的效果由一深一浅的紫色构成光的效果,给人以清新感。
Any of several tropical American trees or shrubs of the genus jacaranda having pinnately compound opposite leaves and panicles of pale purple flowers with funnel -shaped corollas.
The numbers were purple and had pale, green stems.
Figure 2: Risk reduction (pale curve) and value (purple curve) during the project lifecycle.
She had a pale thin face, and her lips were frozen purple because of the cold. Her hair was cut short and she was dressed in worn-out clothes.
Now, I can see some of you turn pale and green and purple, and say, "Over my dead body! " Two million calories per day?!
The fish had turned silver from his original purple and silver, and the stripes showed the same pale violet colour as his tail.
Pale face, atheistic Yan Tong, purple people.
Oh Germany there is love - the knapweed in this "field" have the flowers pale blue and purple, blue, and purple, and fruit, pink, rosy, white in various colors.
哦德国那边有我喜爱的矢车菊- - -这种“原野上的小花”已经有浅蓝、蓝紫、深蓝、深紫、雪青、淡红、玫瑰红、白等多种颜色。
The fish had turned silver from his original purple and silver, and the stripes showed the same pale violet color as his tail.
Shallow purple , pale green, Chun-chun of the white, beautiful flowers, I love it.
This homogeneous colorimetric assay is based on the conversion of a tetrazolium salt MTT, a pale yellow substrate, to formazan, a purple dye.
Arises suddenly the facial color blue and purple or pale.
East Indian shrub cultivated especially for ornament for its pale yellow to deep purple blossoms.
The hillside is held up by clumps of flowers on hairy stems. The petals lavender and white and pink and purple and sometimes a rare, pale blue.
Mexican epiphytic orchid having pale green or yellow-green flowers with white purple-veined lip.
Its colorful leaves, with purple, yellow, orange, and red... Though grass under wall has been no spring, summer, pale green, is like a piece of yellow and green carpet.
Its colorful leaves, with purple, yellow, orange, and red... Though grass under wall has been no spring, summer, pale green, is like a piece of yellow and green carpet.