Only 6 patients were given numerical data about how much longer they would probably live if palliative chemotherapy were used.
In all cases, patients were informed that their cancer could not be cured, and the purpose of palliative chemotherapy was explained.
We had 20 patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy and 62 patients of local-advanced or with tumor recurrence or metastasis receiving palliative chemotherapy.
Palliative chemotherapy is not intended to cure patients of cancer, only to make their lives more tolerable. Nonetheless, this treatment may slightly improve survival.
Objective: To observe the short term efficacy and adverse effects of Cinobufacini injection combined with palliative chemotherapy in treatment of advanced malignant tumors.
Someone with advanced cancer, say, who is offered expensive, aggressive new chemotherapy that might extend life at the price of lowering its quality often opts instead for palliative care.
Palliative operation and up-to-date chemotherapy can extend the patients' life.
Chemotherapy as palliative treatment to relieve symptoms caused by the cancer.
After operating tumor, or palliative operation coordinate radiotherapy and chemotherapy, having a good curative effect.
Open surgery combined with chemotherapy were applied to 15 cases (including radical resection of the tumor in 9 cases and palliative operation in 6 cases) and giving-up of treatment in 6 cases.
Open surgery combined with chemotherapy were applied to 15 cases (including radical resection of the tumor in 9 cases and palliative operation in 6 cases) and giving-up of treatment in 6 cases.