The council, or panchayat, of Ranpur village, 340 km (210 miles) south of state capital Jaipur, then decided to take the law into its own hands.
A village panchayat of some district in India has banned the use of mobile phones by unmarried girls to prevent them from eloping with their lovers, Indian Times reported on November 23.
Karora’s khap panchayat, an unelected taboo-enforcing council, ordered the killing of another same-gotra couple last year; the 27-year-old man was lynched and his body publicly displayed.
上一年卡罗拉的Khap村,一个非民选的禁忌执行委员会,下令杀害同gotra的另一对夫妇。 27岁的男人以死刑处死,他的身体被公示。
Karora’s khap panchayat, an unelected taboo-enforcing council, ordered the killing of another same-gotra couple last year; the 27-year-old man was lynched and his body publicly displayed.
上一年卡罗拉的Khap村,一个非民选的禁忌执行委员会,下令杀害同gotra的另一对夫妇。 27岁的男人以死刑处死,他的身体被公示。