So, apps such as Pandora internet radio can be listened to while reading the news using another app.
This curious idea originated with Tim Westergren, one of the founders of an Internet radio service based in Oakland, Calif., called Pandora.
He says the Internet radio service Pandora, for example, can offer free music because it has no costs of selling discs in stores.
Pandora CTO Tom Conrad may have said, "I need Android like I need a hole in the head, " but Android definitely needed the best internet radio app around.
For now the system works with only a handful of apps, such as Pandora, an internet-radio service, but Ford is hoping to expand that number rapidly.
Now a number of web outfits, including Groupon, which offers online coupons, and Pandora Media, an internet-radio firm, are queuing to join the party.
Now a number of web outfits, including Groupon, which offers online coupons, and Pandora Media, an internet-radio firm, are queuing to join the party.