Based on a large panel data set, we present the stylized facts of rural taxation in China and propose a general theoretical framework in understanding these facts.
A panel opens specifying the data set names for browsing, editing, or creating from this system.
Resolution: the data in the Alloy sidebar panel is automatically refreshed based on a schedule set by the administrator.
LCD, touching panel, set data and operation data can be calculated automatically.
When doing the empirical analysis with the Panel-Data model, it is crucial to set the form of model correctly, because the sample data includes the information of individual, time, and so on.
Xiaodun Fang, founder of WooYun participated in the Panel Discussion"Establishing more protection for hotel information" which was set up for data loopholes solving.
The house price development is investigated by panel cointegration techniques. Evidence is based on a data-set for 35 major cities.
本文利用板面协整技术和35个大中城市的数据, 考察房价变化, 以便了解泡沫的规模。
The house price development is investigated by panel cointegration techniques. Evidence is based on a data-set for 35 major cities.
本文利用板面协整技术和35个大中城市的数据, 考察房价变化, 以便了解泡沫的规模。