I loved spending the night with Papaw at the sawmill.
Papaw liked Roger because he was nice both to me and to him.
I was with Mammaw and Papaw when Mother delivered by caesarean section.
Lucas papaw Ointment is made in Australia from pure papaws. Lucas papaw Ointment cleans away infectious wastes. Papaw contains Papain which helps clean wounds.
When my grandparents moved from Bodcaw, which had a population of about a hundred, to the metropolis Hope, Papaw worked for an icehouse delivering ice on a horse-drawn wagon.
My mother once told me that after Papaw died, she found some of his old account books from the grocery store with lots of unpaid bills from his customers, most of them black.
My mother once told me that after Papaw died, she found some of his old account books from the grocery store with lots of unpaid bills from his customers, most of them black.