Since then, he has read many books about paper folding and practised folding paper in his spare time.
With the encouragement and the money provided by the teachers, they had a paper folding class every Wednesday afternoon.
Chen used to fold paper himself until he met Li Changnan, an eighth grader in his school who also loved folding paper.
Folding paper fans first became popular during the Song Dynasty.
A folding fan is often made of paper.
The folding fans were made of paper and bamboo and there were great paintings and calligraphy on them.
Single women perform rituals, like writing the names of their crushes on pieces of paper the night before, folding them up and then opening one on the big day to determine who they should marry.
单身女子们按照惯例在前一天晚上,将她们暗恋对象的名字纷纷写在纸上,折叠起来。 在情人节到来那天打开决定应该嫁给谁。
They sit on benches in the parking lot of the hospital, folding white gauze squares, wrapping them in brown paper to create little sterile supply kits for surgeries.
His research on folding goes beyond paper, such as trying to figure out why proteins fold the way they do and studying the best way to collapse robotic arms.
Rorschach inkblot created by folding a piece of paper coveredand filled with ink to form a symmetrical pattern.
Scientists at Harvard and MIT have invented self-folding sheets of composite material that can flex themselves into toy boats, tents and even paper airplanes.
Having nothing wherewith to seal this letter, he contented himself with folding the paper in four, and added the address.
Photos, letters, clippings, and other family documents should be stored unfolded because folding and unfolding breaks paper along the fold lines.
They've handed out a million reusable shopping bags-but also hundreds of thousands of small folding paper cups, so that people will stop spitting on the street.
The second solution was for folding the paper in a single direction. This is the case when you try to fold a long narrow sheet of paper.
Artist is not only required to have a vision of the object he needs to create, he also needs to be an expert in cutting and folding paper and last but not least have a great deal of patience.
Who the hell thinks a 2 cent piece of paper with some folding die cuts is a “prize”?
Outline any additional processing that will be required on the paper stock such as imprinting or folding, and how the end user will detach the perforated section.
The inmates work six hours a day, instead of the eight required of other prisoners, and do lighter tasks such as sorting papers, folding laundry and making beadwork and paper crafts.
A guard opens up the containers and puts all the paper in a paper-bird-folding-machine.
Where can purchase the paper folding crane or small star Beijing paper composes in reply the bottle pretending to be them?
Hepa, there are many adopts aluminum foil, paper folding shape as filter dividers, form the air channel.
I cut my toilet-paper usage in half by folding the toilet paper instead of wadding it.
I cut my toilet-paper usage in half by folding the toilet paper instead of wadding it.