The study of preparation of maleated rosins and their application as paper size was started in China in 1974.
A. I'm trying to change the paper size from A4 to A3 before I print out, but I can't seem to get into that screen.
The posters are in PDF format – enabling you to easily download and print them using whichever paper size is in your printer.
Use the load paper size button to setup one of the printers with "Simulate paper sensors" and with A5 loaded in one of the trays.
Using new dusting institutions, dusting control can be set paper size, dusting time, reduce the volume of powder and air pollution.
This allows accurate printing paper size settings, which come and go in the dot matrix printer in the case of paper can be accurately set to hit the paper size.
ISO/IEC 14652 has added more features to POSIX locale specifications and defined new categories for paper size, measurement unit, address and telephone formats, and personal names.
ISO/IEC 14652为POSIX 区域设置增加了更多的功能,并为纸张规格,计量单位,地址和电话格式,以及人名定义了新的类别。
The trueimage interpreter was unable to reset page-level information suchas paper size or number of copies . the job printing may not be correct. the error code returned from the system was% 1.
In this paper, we mainly discussed the development of hot-melting size and its future application in woolen yarn.
He measured his feet with a ruler and then wrote down his size on a piece of paper.
Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size.
Similar results were found whether the students indicated head size by drawing an outline on paper or by demonstrating size with a tape measure.
The next step up in size is the pad, something of a cross between a sheet of paper and current laptop and palmtop computers.
They worked outthat if each entry in the matrix were written on paper that was one inchsquare, the answer would cover an area the size of Manhattan.
The size and width of a dog's head accurately predict the strength and running ability of the canine, according to a paper in the latest issue of the journal Behavioural Processes.
I think cost trends and size trends have not been taken into account appropriately for the analysis in the paper.
These proposals weren't written proposals but quick approximations of what the final paintings might look like. They were sketched out full size on paper.
A chemistry professor at Harvard University is trying to shrink a medical laboratory onto a piece of paper that's the size of a fingerprint and costs about a penny.
Printing is done by rearranging the content to adapt to the size of the destination paper.
Submissions, addressing the topic of agricultural diversification and crop alternatives to tobacco, must not exceed five (5) pages (standard size paper and type), including attachments.
I write my most important tasks using really large font and as I am writing my goals on the paper I reduce the font size.
My classmates and I would get big sheets of paper, poster size, and write all sorts of things and put them up in the classrooms and hallways.
The ideal size is about the area of a piece of A4 or US Letter sized paper.
Silk, paper and plastic lanterns vary in shape and size and are usually multi-colored. Some are in the shapes of butterflies, birds, flowers, and boats.
In a 2005 paper, Hanson analyzed how the size of the undocumented population and its use of public assistance affected attitudes toward immigration.
Biologists at the University of washing-ton observed the behavior of paper wasps (Mischocyttarus mastigorphorus) in the Costa Rican rain forest and then measured the size of their brains.
It's (relatively) simple to re-create the paper plane that set the flight-duration record. Use a letter-size sheet.
It's (relatively) simple to re-create the paper plane that set the flight-duration record. Use a letter-size sheet.