When you compile a generic class, MSIL contains placeholders for each parameterized type.
Smart: The smart tracer is a parameterized type that maps to one of the other types in the tracer.
It is helpful, because the parameterized type List does indeed have methods that look just like this expansion.
Because the class is not a parameterized type, no signature is added to the binary class representation for the class itself.
Because the Listing 2 class is a parameterized type, the class signature needs to be present in the binary class representation.
The angle brackets assign a specific type (that is, the parameterized type) to the generic type represented by the "T" argument types.
尖括号为由 “T”参数类型表示的泛型指定具体类型。
Scala also allows types to be declared in classes, as we saw in the section called "Abstract types And Parameterized types" in Chapter 2, type Less, Do More.
Generic types can be thought of as type "functions"; they are parameterized by type variables that can then be instantiated with various type arguments depending on context.
Another approach to expressing invariants is to bolster the type system with generic types, types parameterized by other types (the topic of our the most recent series of articles in this column).
Here, we are saying we can sort a List that is parameterized by any type that implements Comparable.
Note that the TargetAttribute elements contain an attribute called type, which represents a parameterized argument to a smart type tracer.
注意,Target At tribute元素包含一个名为type的属性,它表示智能类型跟踪程序的参数化变量。
The square brackets denote a parameterized class in Scala, and in this case, it takes the type of the ID and the type of the actual model class.
在Scala 中,方括号表示参数化的类;在这里,参数是ID的类型和实际模型类的类型。
Box is parameterized by a type parameter t, which signifies the type of the contents of the box; a box can contain only elements of type String.
This subinterface provides information about array types, where the component type of the array is either parameterized or a type variable.
The canonical example of dependent types is that of an array type parameterized by the size of the array.
The importance of IP parameterized design is pointed out and the parameter type and correlation are analyzed in this paper.
The system has an auto type selection, design calculation, main parts parameterized drawing and other functions of the ventilator.
By using a smooth aggregate function to approximate the non-smooth max-type function, nonlinear complementarity problem can be treated as a family of parameterized smooth equations.
By using a smooth aggregate function to approximate the non-smooth max-type function, nonlinear complementarity problem can be treated as a family of parameterized smooth equations.