We have been looking at the shadowy world of the paranormal.
Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena.
Although the mysteries of the Aztec, Mayan, and Inca civilizations have been known for centuries, now the public is also becoming aware of unusual, paranormal phenomena in countries such as Peru.
We needed to know whether it was possible to use paranormal forces for military ends.
Then check in to one of these 10 haunted hotels and test your tolerance for the paranormal.
Contrary to common stereotypes, there is no single profile of a person who accepts the paranormal.
By 1995 I had become, apparently, the world's only full-time professional paranormal investigator.
Clemens may have had his doubts about the existence of God, but he was a pushover for the paranormal.
They are usually connected with paranormal cases and as such usually don't have any specific stories all their own.
But his latest book is more than just a display case full of specimens collected by a man fascinated by the paranormal.
Sergio: I used to watch the X-Files with FBI agents MULDER and SCULLY. They taught me a lot about UFOs and the paranormal.
塞吉奥:我过去总看《X -档案》,它里边的联邦调查局特工马尔德和斯古利教了我大量的UFO和特异功能的知识。
Margaret was an Internet urban legend, and Wayne had researched more than a few sketchy photos on various paranormal sites.
The officer returned to his home in Marlborough, Wiltshire, and contacted paranormal experts and told them he had spotted a UFO.
警官回到威尔特郡马尔·伯勒的家中。他和超自然现象专家取得联系,告诉他们自己刚刚发现了一个U FO。
I've always been into paranormal things, so I would always ask her if he had encountered anything out of the ordinary throughout his life.
She buys several paperbacks (thrillers, science fiction and paranormal romance) and he buys nonfiction (with a few auto magazines thrown in).
Plenty of scientists have put energy into debunking paranormal claims. Bader and Mencken wanted to look instead at what drives people to believe.
For most people, the thrill lasts for a few weeks each October. But for true believers, the paranormal is an everyday fact, not just a holiday joke.
However, the mysterious beings disappeared when he "looked away for a second" and he contacted UFO experts after witnessing other paranormal activity.
The mysterious planet was supposedly discovered by the Sumerians, according to claims by pseudo-scientists, paranormal activity enthusiasts and internet theorists.
And there are the avant garde approaches, including subtle energy research, metanormal and paranormal capacities, and transpersonal states and stages ofconsciousness.
Geller, who says he worked for the Central Intelligence Agency during the Cold War, said his information came from a high-level source involved in U.S. paranormal programs.
Geller, who says he worked for the Central Intelligence Agency during the Cold War, said his information came from a high-level source involved in U.S. paranormal programs.