Depending on what you need to do with your dialog box, you might want to have access to information provided by the dialog box's parent form.
This information might be required for initialization of the dialog box or involve specific details about the application state of the parent form.
This is an office suite that has included an Audio Player, text editor, calculator, weather service, and a calendar. This is all accessible from one Parent form.
Look at what your suspect form's code and the parent form's code are doing about the time this suspect form is closed and what other processes might be running on the suspect form.
A good example of this concept appears in XML in the form of parent and child elements, which provide a wrapper around related items.
If the form is opened from a Web site instead of the local file system, you cannot write to file at all because the form does not have a parent folder on the local file system.
Unlike banks, hedge-fund managers cannot be paid deferred bonuses in the form of shares in the parent company: there are no shares in existence.
Perhaps most importantly, we have also begun to form parent co-operatives focused on teaching parents and on income-generating activities aimed at ensuring that families are financially secure.
Only about 9 percent of control subjects have two copies (one from each parent) of the protective form of CETP, while 24 percent of the centenarians do, including all four Kahn siblings.
The parent object of the form is the outer container control that has the runat attribute set.
The initialize() function gropes through the DOM of the applet and its parent HTML document looking for an existing session ID in the form of a cookie, and disabling menus appropriately.
initialize()函数在 applet的DOM以及包含它的HTML文档中搜索前进,寻找用cookie形式保存的会话ID,并禁用适当的菜单。
That meant they'd have to be about the same size as our home world, orbiting their parent star at about the right distance for water to exist in liquid, life-nurturing form.
Spousal revenge "is the most rare form of filicide, the murder of a child by a parent.
Moons are generally thought to form in one of two ways - either by coalescing from the same cloud of debris as their parent planet, or as wandering objects captured by the parent's gravitational pull.
Use Administrators as the parent organization, fill in the remaining required fields, and submit the form.
You may receive money from a parent, or the money may come from the bank in the form of a mortgage or home improvement loan.
It comes with the same set of well-tested and stable Linux kernel and software packages that form the basis of its parent, Red hat Enterprise Linux.
This zone is traditionally called shear zone in view of fact that the material in the final form would be removed by shear from the parent metal.
Volta succeeded in producing a simple form of cell which is the parent of modern batteries.
One theory posits that they form far from their parent stars-about where Jupiter and Saturn are now-and move inward over time.
Those who have not signed the Waiver & Release Form, " please sign. Anyone below 18 needs to be signed by parent or guardian."
Third time in one day: Refocus form - need to be signed by parent and returned the next day.
They are currently the grand parent to a Bodhisattva grandchild, and are revitalizing their form and field through ascension.
The thread groups form a tree in which every thread group except the initial thread group has a parent.
I have a nested item whose creation form lies in the show view of its parent.
I have a nested item whose creation form lies in the show view of its parent.