His landlady had treated him like a dangerous criminal, a pariah.
Shortly Tom came upon the juvenile pariah of the village, Huckleberry Finn, son of the town drunkard.
He's a vampire, he's a social pariah.
Remember that Saturn started out as GM's savior and ended up the pariah.
Prior to 2001 Washington viewed Iran as a dangerous but isolated pariah state.
Ali became a pariah, loathed by many white fans and most established sportswriters.
Iceland risks being treated as a pariah among nations if it doesn't figure out how to pay off its debts.
The memos provide a glimpse, in often candid language, into how Wall Street is grappling with its pariah status.
IF YOU smoke, you will become a gruesome pariah with Dickensian teeth who abuses children and dies early and alone.
Several years ago, Libya was primed to dole out some of the billions the oil state held in cash during its time as an international pariah.
Work colleagues, who may formerly have been friendly and supportive, melt away and the target is left feeling like a pariah and an outcast.
For example, being a lawyer or therapistcould make you a dating pariah because nobody's idea of a good date is to argue or be psychoanalyzed!
For example, being a lawyer or therapist could make you a dating pariah because nobody's idea of a good date is to argue or be psychoanalyzed!
If a weaker country left, risking not just European Banks but also the currency, it would become a pariah exporting its pain to its neighbours.
In all the darkest pages in the malign supernatural, there is no more terrible tradition than that of a vampire. , a pariah even among demons.
Flushed with virtue, the country that used to be an international pariah has become a mediator of conflicts in such cockpits as Burundi and Congo.
Some people lost the right to be a director or senior manager, and suffered from pariah status in a country where there is little pity for failure.
Think what you will of James' transformation from hero to pariah, but what Bryant proved in the last two years is that everyone forgives a winner.
But it's also clear that public life as a single, working, divorced mom —still a pariah status in South Korea —was one role she had a lot of trouble with.
Iran can either make itself a pariah or it can recognize that it has much more to gain by eliminating any potential military aspect of a nuclear program.
Ibrahim, it transpired, was the culprit - and given that Libya was still, at the time, an international pariah, the ramifications were potentially serious.
Yet it took only two weeks at Camp David in the summer of 2000 to wreck all the progress that had been made and for Arafat to regain the pariah status he once held.
After all, if Israel is just another standard-issue country that conducts business with pariah states and lies about it, why should America be concerned about its fate?
As he gazed at his recumbent fellow-exiles, the loneliness begotten of his pariah-trade, his habits of life, his very vices, for the first time seriously oppressed him.
“Honey”, he told her, “I’m going to graduate from a pariah to a character, and then if I live long enough I’ll be regarded as a national institution.” He lived long enough.
“亲爱的”,他告诉她“我将会从一个小混混成长为一个大人物,如果我活得足够长,我会被看作是国家名人” 他的确活得足够长。
“Honey”, he told her, “I’m going to graduate from a pariah to a character, and then if I live long enough I’ll be regarded as a national institution.” He lived long enough.
“亲爱的”,他告诉她“我将会从一个小混混成长为一个大人物,如果我活得足够长,我会被看作是国家名人” 他的确活得足够长。