In 1985, China became a member of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.
Any Contracting Party shall comply with the provisions of the Paris Convention which concern marks.
Article 6 the Paris convention is stipulated to member countries well-known trademark international protection of special.
As they are members of the Paris Convention, all the countries in Latin America afford protection to well-known trademarks.
Furthermore, registration in another member country of the Paris Convention within certain time limits may also gain priority in China.
Any Contracting Party shall register service marks and apply to such marks the provisions of the Paris Convention which concern trademarks.
In respect of Parts ii, ii I and IV of this Agreement, Members shall comply with Articles 1 through 12, and Article 19, of the Paris Convention 1967.
Upon entry into China based on either PCT application or Paris Convention, the applicant may select to file an application for patent or for utility model.
In compliance with Article 6 bis (3) of the Paris Convention, no deadline applies to cancellation of marks registered in bad faith in Latin American countries.
Paris Convention and TRIPS agreement for the protection of Famous Trademark were taken in two ways, including relatively protectionism and absolute protectionism.
The Delegation of Sudan noted that Article 4 of the Paris Convention governed the filing of patent applications claiming priority from previously filed applications.
On top of this, he is soon due to fly to a Paris convention where he will meet others with gigantism, including the tallest man in the world, Sultan Kösen from Turkey.
The right of priority, established by Article 4 of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, is a central feature of the international patent system.
The WHO emblem, name and abbreviation are also protected from being registered as a trade mark under Article 6 of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.
Geographical indication is an important concept protection of intellectual property. In the world, from 1883, Paris Convention had begun to provide protection on geographical indication.
Since the conception of well-known trademark was first introduced in Paris Convention, special protection of the law for well-known trademark has become the tendency of world legalization.
Article 34 the names of the enterprises from a foreign country (region) shall be protected in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.
International Exhibition Bureau, founded in 1939, is headquartered in Paris, France, its statute as "International Exhibition Convention."
International Exhibition Bureau, founded in 1939, is headquartered in Paris, France, its statute as "International Exhibition Convention."