At the time I didn’t need the skill since most collateral readingassignments in my courses were under 500 pages, but I started practicing justfor the fun of it – sort of like a private parlor game.
My parents had read about this parlor game in a magazine, how girls across the country were being stumped by the answer.
After trying to play the Washington parlor game of the moment - "Was Alan Patricof invited?" he asked, referring to a fellow ardent Clinton supporter - Mr.
Remember, the tarot can be used for many things besides telling the future. A reading will often give you as much, if not more, information on the past and present. It isn't just a parlor game;
Remember, the tarot can be used for many things besides telling the future. A reading will often give you as much, if not more, information on the past and present. It isn't just a parlor game;