If that parole board date ever comes, I want to be ready. I can't jeopardize that.
Next year Frau Schmitz will again make an appeal for clemency, and I expect the parole board to grant the appeal.
Offenders who receive the sentence may be released after doing their time only if the Parole Board decides it is safe.
The Scottish parole board has also been asked for its views on granting compassionate early release to the former Libyan agent.
Occasionally, the intense media focus on a high profile case causes the parole board to be especially reluctant to recommend release.
Kiehl says he's heard all this before: all psychopaths claim they feel terrible about their crimes for the benefit of the parole board.
A parole board official says a witness reported seeing him with a gun matching the description of the weapon used in the killings.
His friends and family had been hopful that the parole board would recommend his release when it reconvenes on 4 July on the grounds that he is unlikely to reoffend.
听证会7月4日重启后,假释委员会将作出决定。 鉴于毕格茨再次犯罪的可能性很低,他的朋友和家人都对毕格茨获释满怀期待。
To do that, she has expanded the parole board from 10 to 15 members to evaluate nonviolent offenders who have already served their minimum sentences and to expedite commutations.
Shortly before the execution, Willingham's lawyers sent the governor and parole board a report from Gerald Hurst, another arson investigator, detailing multiple flaws in the first investigation.
Shortly before the execution, Willingham's lawyers sent the governor and parole board a report from Gerald Hurst, another arson investigator, detailing multiple flaws in the first investigation.