For HC, the parse tree represents an XPath.
The DFAFactory class compiles a DFA from the parse tree.
Your application could do more interesting things with the parse tree.
A Doclet has a static start method and takes the parse tree as an argument.
InfoQ: With the ParseTree gem, one can access the parse tree of a class or method.
The stap process begins with a translation of the script into a parse tree (pass 1).
stap流程从将脚本转换成解析树开始(pass 1)。
Write client-side code to walk and evaluate the parse tree that's produced at runtime.
Given the parse tree, you apply the algorithm in Listing 3 to compute the transition function.
Working with a parse tree representation also makes debugging easy and speeds development time.
I'll explore that in more detail once you've looked at JJTree and its parse tree representations.
The first approach is to delay all semantic actions until the whole parse tree is constructed.
In other words, this governs the shape and content of the parse tree that's constructed by the parser.
InfoQ: How did you make your technical choice like using parse tree for parsing and building AST Ruby?
InfoQ:你如何做技术上的选择,比如解析使用parse tree,以及构建ASTRuby ?
We also propose a BaseNP-based analyzing technique to extract syntactic information from a parse tree.
信息 利用上,我们提出了基于基本名词短语的分析方法。
The DFA construction algorithm converts this parse tree into a set of states, as the previous column explains.
如前一篇专栏文章中所解释的,DF A构造算法将该解析树转换成一组状态。
I'll come back to this in more detail when I talk about the JJTree tool and parse tree representations in Part 2.
The method accepts a parse tree (as an XPathNode object) as parameter and, for now, returns an instance of DFATable.
InfoQ: Could you tell us the advantage of using JRuby over parse tree or any other solutions, to exploit Ruby code?
InfoQ:你能告诉我们使用JRuby而不是parse tree或者其他解决方案来解析ruby代码的优势吗?
Usually, using SimpleParse means generating a parse tree in one function call, then traversing this tree in separate code.
From the discussion in the last column, you may recall that the algorithm to construct a DFA expects a parse tree as input.
The axpath() method returns what is known as an augmented parse tree -- a parser tree with one extra node for the END_MARK.
axpath()方法返回称之为扩张的解析树 ―该解析树额外地带有一个表示 END_MARK 的节点。
The parser is the software that takes those meaningful words and builds a parse tree out of them by recognizing their type and purpose.
The alternative (not explored here) is for productions to contribute only SimpleNode nodes to the parse tree and not subclasses thereof.
Compared with the conventional parse tree, this representation not only consumes less space, but also is faster for structure matching.
Target parsing can be reasonably fast and does not generate a memory-consuming parse tree, but all events fire for all elements in the data.
I'll note before we go any further that the terms parse tree and abstract syntax tree (or AST) describe very similar grammatical structures.
The single quotation mark in front of the null list is used to tell Scheme that you are using as data and not as a part of your parse tree.
Walking through the parse tree at runtime with a good debugger is another invaluable adjunct to understanding how tree building works in JJTree.
ParseTree is a library that allows to access the parse tree of Ruby code - either Ruby source code or Ruby code already loaded in the interpreter.
ParseTree is a library that allows to access the parse tree of Ruby code - either Ruby source code or Ruby code already loaded in the interpreter.