Compared with other hobbies and activities, part-time jobs are healthier and better help teenagers prepare for adult life.
A survey shows that the young adults who do not have part-time jobs are less prepared for life than those who do.
Many people hold the view that it is in students' interest to allow them to have part-time jobs.
Points were awarded for part-time jobs, housework, effort in school, and ability to deal with problems.
The people we see now have three or four part-time jobs and they're still right on the edge financially.
By encouraging their children to take some part-time jobs, parents can help their kids develop independence.
If you spend a little time digging for the right part-time jobs, you'll save yourself time when you find a job that leaves you with enough time to get your schoolwork done too.
If you spend a little time digging for the right part-time jobs, you'll save yourself time—when you find a job that leaves you with enough time—to get your schoolwork done too.
One of these new part-time jobs is that of campus headhunter.
Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs ?
"Part-time jobs are often treated provisionally and have a 'disposable' feel," says Larry.
So most women are forced to take low-paid irregular or part-time jobs after having children.
Most parents frown upon their children doing part-time jobs though they may benefit from it.
Once you add in those who want full-time work but can find only part-time jobs, it is almost twice that.
A growing headache is university students taking part-time jobs: employers prefer them to local teenagers.
Educationally speaking, taking part-time jobs during the schooling may waste students' precious studying time.
He now splits his time between a variety of part-time jobs including golf teacher, ski instructor, and sales.
The number of hours worked across the population continued to fall as people shifted from full-time to part-time jobs.
One of the most popular and lucrative part-time jobs is to tutor, either for a college-prep class or a specific subject.
Most mothers do not work full-time anyway (though the proportion who do is growing), and their part-time jobs are ill-rewarded.
Beginning July 1, Australian pensioners will get improved "work bonuses" to find part-time jobs or stay longer in the workforce.
Some novel part-time jobs related to campus life are emerging in the job market, and it’s here where college students can be top dogs.
Some experts believe that activating one's sleeping certificates is good for assessing one's career goals and looking for part-time jobs.
The figures also suggested people were coming off the claimant count to go into part-time jobs because they could not find full-time employment.
In addition, only 14 percent of Swedish working women are in part-time jobs, a very low share that is due in large part to smart tax incentives.
Its unemployment rate is running at 9.4%; once you add in those who want full-time work but can find only part-time jobs, it is almost twice that.
First and foremost I would like to declare that I possess the financial ability to implement this plan owing to my decent income from part-time jobs.
First and foremost I would like to declare that I possess the financial ability to implement this plan owing to my decent income from part-time jobs.