The moon takes a bite out of the sun Sunday over the seaside town of Valparaiso, Chile, during a partial solar eclipse.
Tuesday's partial eclipse occurred in Europe when a fraction of the moon obscured the sun, making it seem - in clear skies - as if a "bite" had been taken out of the solar face.
The sweep was the moon penumbral zone can see the partial eclipse, the partial eclipse in the region-wide water from the area near, the greater the extent of the partial eclipse.
The partial eclipse of the Sun by the Moon lasted just under two hours in Muscat and was visible from around 11.30am to just before 1.30pm, local time.
With SDO watching the sun in a wavelength of extreme ultraviolet light, the dark moon created a partial eclipse of the sun.
When the moon takes a bite-size chunk out of the sun, it's a partial solar eclipse.
However, as the entire moon will cross the penumbra partial shadow of the earth, it will appear significantly dimmer around the time of partial eclipse.
However, as the entire moon will cross the penumbra partial shadow of the earth, it will appear significantly dimmer around the time of partial eclipse.