Any partial loss or damage shall be adjusted prorata on the basis of such declared value.
Any partial loss or damage shall be adjusted prorata on the basis of such declared value.
These mutants exhibited reduced numbers of lateral roots (LRs) and partial loss of gravitropism.
That's right . On the other hand, a W. P. A. policy covers you against partial loss in all cases.
Article 247 Any loss other than an actual total loss or a constructive total loss is a partial loss.
Loss of memory. Usually only a partial loss such as for a period of time or biographical information.
W: Then am I right in understanding that FPA doesn't cover partial loss for the nature of particular average.
The Named Insured shall have the right to claim for a Partial Loss in lieu of a Constructive Total Loss.
Then am I right in understanding that F. P. A. does not cover partial loss of the nature of particular average?
W. P. A. has a broader coverage. It covers everything in F. P. A. plus partial loss caused by natural calamities.
W. P. A.. Has a broader coverage. It covers everything in F. P. A. plus partial loss caused by natural calamities.
Partial loss of efficiency for the sports disputes dialectically brings a positive compensation for multi-levels system.
Total or partial loss consequent on falling of entire package or packages into sea during the process of loading, unloading or transshipment.
Well, roughly speaking, F. P. A. covers total loss resulting from both natural calamities and accidents, and partial loss caused by accidents.
This paper endeavors to use the internal cause of the "Keynesian trap" to explain the partial loss of efficacy in the Keynesian policy in China.
That is to say, the insurer is liable for all total or partial loss of or damage to the insured goods caused by natural calamities or by sea perils.
Where is a partial loss of goods, merchandise, or other moveables, the measure of indemnity, subject to any express provision in the policy, is as follows.
Marine losses refer to the ones that are caused to the insured cargo during sea transport by the perils of the sea. They include Total loss and Partial loss.
Where the assured brings an action for a total loss and the evidence proves only a partial loss, he may, unless the policy otherwise provides, recover for a partial loss.
The FPA clause does not cover partial loss of the nature of particular average, whereas the WPA clause over such losses when they exceed a prearranged prearranged percentage.
Traditional offline pretreatment method such as SPE or LLE consumes lots of solvent and takes long time. In addition either method will lead to partial loss of the compounds.
Exposure to loud noises can definitely produce a partial or complete loss of hearing, depending on the intensity, duration, and frequency composition of the noise.
What is more, switching limited vaccine-making capacity to pandemic production will mean the partial or even complete loss of normal seasonal vaccine supply.
The visually handicapped are those with partial or total loss of vision and those with auditory handicaps have a partial or total loss of hearing.
Using the Ntdsutil utility incorrectly may result in partial or complete loss of Active Directory functionality.
Using the Ntdsutil utility incorrectly may result in partial or complete loss of Active Directory functionality.