He suffered a perforated eardrum after being beaten and is now partially deaf.
Yet, this was a man who developed hearing loss in childhood and became partially deaf in his early teens.
The couple’s partially deaf neighbour Margery Ball said she had not had a decent night’s sleep in two years because of the noise made by the couple.
The study indicates that 50 percent of all rock disc jockeys have suffered from hearing damage, and of these 33 percent have become partially deaf.
When Aziz, who is also partially deaf, was asked to step out of the car and remove his sunglasses, the officer was surprised to see he did not have any eyes, the court heard earlier this month.
Gracie was a deaf and partially blind albino Great Dane with a delicate constitution and a penchant for small miracles.
Gracie was a deaf and partially blind albino Great Dane with a delicate constitution and a penchant for small miracles.