Odd though it sounds, cosmicinflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics.
They hoped that this would contribute somehow to particle physics - didn't.
EVEN by the elevated standards of particle physics neutrinos are weird beasts.
The trouble is that the standard model of particle physics says they aren't lopsided enough.
It didn't, by itself, contribute to particle physics. But then some of us generalized it further.
During 2011, the LHC will become sensitive enough to probe hitherto unexplored domains in particle physics.
Recent developments in particle physics have uncovered other theoretically plausible dark matter candidates.
The Higgs is a crucial missing piece in the Standard Model, the most widely accepted framework for particle physics.
Currently, he is involved in high-energy particle physics and high-energy neutrino astronomy using radio telescopes.
The most sought after particle in particle physics - the Higgs boson - is believed to endow all other particles with mass.
And I'm not alone - I've witnessed him successfully explain high-energy particle physics to Arnold Schwarzenegger as well.
In this recent audio interview, Randall talks about the beauty of the Higgs mechanism and the bright future of particle physics.
The nearest thing they have to this-the Standard Model of particle physics-is messy in places and partial, because it omits gravity.
The inflationary theory has since become cosmological received wisdom and forced astrophysicists to take particle physics seriously.
In particle physics, synchronized orientation is found in systems with "low noise," in which signals are transmitted without degrading.
So far, the theorists have described how three of the 16 particles in the Standard Model of particle physics may be created in this way.
In radio astronomy, as in particle physics, bigger kit is better-a larger telescope can gather fainter signals and produce sharper images.
在射电天文学里,比如粒子物理学里面,更大的配套元件会更好- - -一个更大的望远镜可以收集到较微弱的信号并产生更清晰的图像。
The only possibility of a counterargument, Cline said, is if the venerable, time-tested standard model of particle physics is proven wrong.
Archambaut notes that Iran's publications have emphasised inorganic and nuclear chemistry, nuclear and particle physics and nuclear engineering.
Evidence in support of M-theory might also come from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern, the European particle physics laboratory near Geneva.
The experiment on cloud formation also seems likely to undermine the particle physics laboratory's reputation for pursuing only blue skies research.
The announcement was made at the second annual Summit of Information Specialists in Particle physics and Astrophysics held at DESY on May 20th and 21st.
France's National Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics Research collaborated with Italy's Gran Sasso National Laboratory on the experiment at CERN.
The company claims it has used experience gained in fields such as rocket engine manufacturing, nanotechnology and particle physics to have created the new blade.
The underground Italian laboratory, some 120 km (75 miles) to the south of Rome, is the largest of its type in the world for particle physics and cosmic research.
The web, as everyone now knows, has found uses far beyond the original one of linking electronic documents about particle physics in laboratories around the world.
The particle physics world is abuzz with the news that researchers at the United States's sole particle physics lab may have spotted a weird particle unlike any seen before.
But they could cause a proton to decay — a very big deal, if it turns out to be correct, since proton decay isn't allowed under the current Standard Model of particle physics.
The Higgs is the last undiscovered particle in the standard model of particle physics, which for three decades has reigned supreme in explaining how particles and forces interact.
The Higgs is the last undiscovered particle in the standard model of particle physics, which for three decades has reigned supreme in explaining how particles and forces interact.