Partner with your field experts to tag-team on proof-of-concept engagements.
May 8, 2008, launched its dictionary software which is a partner with kingsoft?
Larry Cheng (@larryvc) is a partner with Boston-based VC firm Volition Capital.
LarryCheng (@larryvc)是总部位于波士顿的风险投资公司Volition Capital的合伙人。
We are in talks with Facebook, and other sites, about how we could partner with them.
This can be troublesome if you have to partner with a local company for a joint venture.
Iwata said he's eager to partner with Hollywood studios to get movies onto its system.
He welcomed it and said that US looked forward to being an effective partner with China.
The General forces Lincoln to partner with Gretchen and T-Bag in order to retrieve Scylla.
The General forces Lincoln to partner with Gretchen and T-Bag in order to retrieve Scylla.
Or partner with your spouse, sibling or best friend on whatever goals they’re trying to achieve.
Or partner with your spouse, sibling or best friend on whatever goals they're trying to achieve.
We are looking forward to being a important partner with you as we achieve this critical global goal.
During his long career, he was a gallery partner with the great photography promoter Alfred Stieglitz.
Last year, the library decided to partner with the Department of Public Health to hire Leah Esguerra.
Remain faithful in a relationship with an uninfected equally faithful partner with no other risk behaviour.
I'll partner with community colleges, so that we're training workers to meet the demands of local industry.
We work closely together, and I am fortunate to have a partner with such experience, insight, and fine humor.
Businesses partner with Taobao to access the hundreds of thousands of active users who buy products on their site.
Plus, they'll occasionally partner with corporations like Disney to offer special incentives for volunteering.
These social media efforts have created incredible new ways for companies to partner with non-profits and customers.
Lots of new hotels partner with a local charity to make contacts and generate buzz (in addition to giving back).
For every matter particle there is thought to exist an antimatter partner with the same mass but opposite charge.
But if you find someone with similar goals (running, dieting, finances, etc.), see if they'd like to partner with you.
In the case of consoles, the console manufacturer will partner with ISPs and offer a specific service for that console.
对于控制台游戏,控制台的制造商将会与IS P合伙并为这种控制台提供一种特别的服务。
The following free text box gives you opportunity to describe the way you prefer to partner with the private sector.
A small portion of women who do not find a partner with all the qualities may trade some characteristics for others.
The Taurus will shower the Leo partner with attention and gifts and the Leo in turn will be at his charismatic best.
By enabling advertisers to partner with users, this is the type of program that would create trust between the parties.
By enabling advertisers to partner with users, this is the type of program that would create trust between the parties.