They bought every single one of these guests a pair of new shoes for a party favor.
The week after we implemented the so-called game of 15, this little party favor where you move the Numbers up, down, left or right.
Many of the dangerous toys recalled recently have been from the one-dollar stores or the party-favor aisle.
"We have a fairly clear idea that the trends favor, as they normally would, the Republican Party," Ornstein said.
Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or a cause of action in favor of a third party against either the Client or the Design Consultant.
However, if the source is not and you become a manager in place before, then we must recognize employees were hurt feelings, but do not favor any party.
Personally, I'm always in favor of the farewell party: it's a clear opportunity to exchange contact information and make sure you stay in touch.
Tea Party member Ron Paul heads the Congressional committee that oversees the Federal Reserve and is in favor of dissolving the Federal Reserve and returning to the gold standard.
Jimmy, however, bags the outing in favor of a glamorous nearby pool party and drags along Gerald, leaving Vanessa and Sara behind.
Personally, % I'm always in favor of the farewell party: it's a clear opportunity to exchange contact information and make sure you stay in touch.
In case of breach of this Section, all rights in favor of the Buyer arising from the transfer of the Supplies, however caused, to a third party shall be assigned to the Supplier.
Finally in candlemas's party, he finally with oneself of excellent wowed female master's favor, also has evoked all round the person's adoration.
At some time during the mediation, the mediator calls in the favor by getting the party to agree to the suggestion for a settlement.
If the person refuses, the interested party needs to get people's court or arbitration commission's adjudication which is in favor of him.
If the person refuses, the interested party needs to get people's court or arbitration commission's adjudication which is in favor of him.