I'll pass the word around to-morrow, and I think you'll have no further trouble.
I asked for a "short person's pass," smiling weakly and walking around the wall.
This next sample that I will pass around is a microline mineral, also called amazonite.
From a back-end perspective, he asks the question "Do we really need classes and objects to pass data around"?
Take one down, pass it around, 99 bottles of biofuel on the wall!
Then after the other team missed a shot, our center grabbed the ball so we could pass it around to kill the clock until all the time was gone.
SSO typically doesn't provide passwords, it's the purpose of SSO to avoid having to provide the password multiple times and it's a security risk to pass around passwords in clear text anyway.
Try this as an experiment: smile at someone as you pass them on the street or walking around the office.
You can think of closure support as providing the ability to treat "blocks of code" as first class objects: pass them around, invoke them, and dynamically create new ones.
You could also pass 1 to draw a complete border around the cell, or a string to indicate specific borders' sides.
For years it set the bar exam pass-rate at around 3%, though it has recently increased it to 25%.
We will see later how to pass around more complex variables like arrays and structures.
This is generally done by wrapping the chain around something that you pass, as the tiger drags you away.
I can pass it around to other classes in this unit test, and it will behave as if it were a real file.
If you're going to pass a bit of data around, do you put that data in a dictionary, and pass it around the dictionary?
What lambda that does, it creates on the fly a function, as the program runs. That I can then pass around.
They also turned out to be easy to implement, and come in very handy when we needed to pass data around the application.
Be sure to sit near the food you want - people in the 17th century didn't pass dishes around the table; they just ate whatever happened to be closest.
Pass the tape around your waist and tie securely in a double bow on your left side.
We know that our service operations are going to need to pass data around in order to do their jobs.
The men stretch out on quilts and pass around cigarettes and small glasses of hot sugared tea.
Stuck at checkpoints, Iraqis pass around cigarettes.
In a trip expected to last about eight months, she plans to pass around the southern tips of Africa and south America.
Finally, he would pass the hat around Wall Street so that the "bad" parts of the Banks being bailed out would not be borne by an increasingly unhappy American public.
The jetliner would have had to pass through a notorious storm patch shifting around the equator known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone.
Of course, you could pass around a whole list of encountered tags — such as for an XPath-like analysis of what to do with a node.
Microsoft clients pass passwords around the network as a Microsoft-specific hash rather than plain text or a UNIX password hash.
Microsoft客户端以 Microsoft 专用的哈希而不是纯文本或UNIX 密码哈希形式在网络中传递密码。
The portlet uses a session bean to maintain and pass around the portlet and component state.
portlet使用一个会话bean来维护和传递 portlet 和组件状态。
Dumbdumb is the next phase in marketing: creating something that people will want to watch and pass around.
Dumbdumb is the next phase in marketing: creating something that people will want to watch and pass around.