Pass-by-copy semantics for mutable serializable objects when running in a single address space.
在单一地址空间中运行时,易变的可序列化对象的Pass - by - copy语义。
If such a verb is not available, the task editor will use the Email Address for Users by user ID verb, and pass it the variable % HTM: escalation.receivers % as an input parameter.
如果不存在此谓词,任务编辑器将使用EmailAddressforUsersbyuserid谓词,并将其作为输入参数传递到变量%htm: escalation .receivers %。
First, repetition is the key, and second, when you feel other thoughts coming-and they will-you must let them pass by and not address them.
First, repetition is the key, and second, when you feel other thoughts coming-and they will-you must let them pass by and not address them.