If you've been lucky enough to look at a piece of rock art close up, you'll know it's an experience that makes you wonder about the passage of time and our own history.
These researchers also claim that improvements of memory overnight can be explained by the mere passage of time, rather than attributed to sleep.
The many changing factors of the relationship need to be acknowledged, rather than hoping that the mere passage of time will magically connect parents to their adult children.
“To be truthfulwith you, 10 years just marks the passage of time, ” Mr. Lang said.
That and the passage of time have allowed me to enjoy this kind of brain game again.
You focus so intensely on what you're doing that you're unaware of the passage of time.
Partly the change has to do with the simple passage of time, refurbishing an aging display.
All the target if you have to do some adjust, update, will be eclipsed by the passage of time.
Despite the passage of time, space of our time away but I care you, blessing heart but with long.
Watchmakers use old and new mechanics to perform the age-old task of measuring the passage of time.
At least the old memories of the east Village spirit will always stay, transcending the passage of time.
This 'force' not only affects geometry, including the paths of light beams, but also the passage of time.
Life is like a green leaf, with the passage of time, gradually become yellow, but his veins is less clear.
After all, both cancer cells and some very simple forms of life appear highly resistant to the passage of time.
For you my memories, with the passage of time, no one will again, only I mentioned in remembrance secretly.
There is nothing magical about the mere passage of time that causes risks to decline in number and severity.
I'm enjoying the seemingly slower passage of time and the whole package of benefits this method of sleep entails.
In fact, it's been wreaking havoc ever since 1982 the passage of time hasn't quelled of the number of crank calls.
The clock measures the passage of time in millionths of a second by counting the frequency of electromagnetic waves.
This is the first in a new series on the 7 deadly SINS of memory. First up, how the passage of time affects our memories.
It can be removed or reduced through rituals of ablutions or just the passage of time or other sorts of ritual observances.
The work also raises questions regarding how the brain interprets the passage of time differently under different circumstances.
With the passage of time the question that confronts this boy and other members of his generation is as complex as to be or not to be.
Remnants of family histories dating back to the Ming Dynasty still remain within the walls of houses untouched by the passage of time.
The confidence of the older woman comes from a love of being herself and never forgetting her sense of style despite the passage of time.
But fortunately, with the passage of time, my parents finally found that although I look like them, but more than they had many beautiful.
The findings suggest it is not merely sleep itself, or the passage of time, that is important for the problem solving, but the quality of sleep.
The findings suggest it is not merely sleep itself, or the passage of time, that is important for the problem solving, but the quality of sleep.