Fund net loss of high-position most serious of which, passive management of index funds to bear the brunt.
The passive management process which needs us does the down-to-up malfunction report makes our maintenance very difficult.
By using active and passive management for ORACLE and optimize tools like SQL TRACE EXPLAIN PLAN and ORACLE OPTIMIZER, the query response time is shortened and the efficiency is improved.
While there may be less excitement and prestige in sitting back and letting others do the work, we think that is all one loses by accepting a passive participation in excellent management.
The modeling of bridge functional entities is involved in the network element view information model. This model is applied in Ethernet passive optical networks (EPON) network management.
In order to turn the passive situation of safety management radically, we must face up to, study, change austere reality from brand-new perspective.
And expand energy conservation to achieve scenic, dynamic management and analysis, active assistance, passive detection, security black box functions.
The method of combination to active and passive control is adopted to gain the successful effect of project management.
Both in the "active" and the "passive" mechanisms, the compensations of the top management are determined by their contributions.
Thirdly, we shall focus on solving the problems of passive enforcement and deferred enforcement, and improve the management system for the procedure of enforcement cases.
Analysis shows that quality management in rice mills is a system engineering, it should not be a passive mechanical inspection but an initiative and preventive control.
Hierarchical management group, the main goal is to change marketing services group, "passive" to "active", and stressed that Fine and effectiveness of resource management.
The early equipment management, which is chiefly the breakdown maintenance, is a passive equipment management style.
The study of medical risk management USES risk management model in airline business, which transforms from passive, severe punishment to active reporting model.
Researches on human disaster psychology show: emergency management of gradual disasters should be paid attention to; psychological intervention should be in time to cure passive behaviors.
The function of product management is efficient in both the time and the cost competition, but it is comparatively passive.
The Ethernet Passive Optical Network(EPON) will be the most effective method for Access Network. It is important to provide a stable and effective Network Management System for EPON.
The Ethernet Passive Optical Network(EPON) will be the most effective method for Access Network. It is important to provide a stable and effective Network Management System for EPON.