They made it clear that they would only exercise passive resistance in the event of a military takeover.
A reformer who believes in passive resistance.
Most of those who did not move offered only passive resistance, but some fighting broke out.
Most of those who did not move offered only passive resistance but some fighting broke out.
He led the Black Banner Army's struggle against France and changed the soldiers from passive resistance to positive one.
Take any criticism on the chin and if people are being aggressive or difficult to please, practice the art of passive resistance.
He studied theology in school and, while still a college student, became fascinated with Mahatma Ghandi's philosophy of passive resistance.
Children with ODD have more behavior problems and bad companion relationships. Hostility, passive resistance, impulsive, bad self-control are their main behaviors.
They carry on passive or active resistance in the face of the patriarchal method, indicating that female subject consciousness is awakening.
Establishing a passive surface or film on austenitic SS is essential to maximize the corrosion resistance that the metals offer.
Building envelops act not only as a heat-transfer resistance, but also as a passive heating source.
Methods Four stroke patients with hemiplegia were involved in this study During the examination by F MRI, these patients were asked to move thumbs in passive, active and overcoming resistance fashion.
方法让患者分别进行健侧和患侧拇指被动运动、主动运动和加阻力下的主动运动。在患者运动时行功能磁共振(F MRI)检查,观察上述不同运动形式下大脑半球相关区域血氧水平的变化。
The main sign is the resistance to passive movement of a limb but other associated features - pain, spasms, loss of function - affect people's quality of life more directly.
The paper introduces the resistance reduction methods of van type vehicles-actively boundary layer control method and passive boundary layer control method.
It can improve the properties of the passive film, such as abrasive resistance, resistance to oxidation and lightness.
Adding proper amount of rare earth element can accelerate the formation of passive film, and eliminate the heterogeneity in the spraying layers, so the erosion resistance can be improved.
The alloy foil presents excellent corrosion resistance in 10% H_2SO_4, 10% NaOH and 3.5% NaCl solution respectively and the range of passive potential is broader.
Influences of components in the passivating solution on film-forming rate and corrosion resistance of passive film we…
Influences of components in the passivating solution on film-forming rate and corrosion resistance of passive film we…