'I have eaten' is the present perfect tense of the verb 'to eat', 'I had eaten' is the past perfect and 'I will have eaten' is the future perfect.
Ihave eaten是动词eat的现在完成时;Ihad eaten是过去完成时;Iwill have eaten是将来完成时。
B. Fill in the blanks with the past perfect or simple past tense of the verbs in brackets.
Lin Yutang 's personality shaped the past perfect modality of China' s cultural transformation on individual level.
We use the past perfect continuous tense to show that an action started in the past and continued up until another time in the past.
When you ask about something that started in the past but continues to the present time, you use the Present Perfect tense, e.g.: I’ve been there for 5 years / I’ve been there for 5 years.
Now we are approaching the end of the year, and it's the perfect time to reflect how we have done in the past year. We can then take some lessons for the New Year.
We take what the market gives us, not creating a system from past charts to try to figure out the PERFECT target of pips to grab.
For Xiaojian, at 28 years is just past the ideal marriage age here, it seemed like a perfect solution.
The following five tips are something that I've learned over the past few months, and they have undoubtedly helped me a lot in improving my emailing skills. I am yet to perfect them though.
The book debunks poor science and the cherry-picking of statistical examples to feed hysteria about keeping invasive species out and protecting an imaginary perfect past.
Despite Microsoft's limited past success in getting people to hook up a PC to their TV, 2011 might be the perfect time for a new Windows Media Center box.
Ms Lauvergeon, who is credited with rehabilitating the image of nuclear power over the past decade, is considered the industry's perfect ambassador post-Fukushima.
We will offer you high quality products and perfect after service just as in the past.
We use the present perfect tense to talk about something that happened at an indefinite time in the past.
So you learn the past tense and then two or three weeks later, oh now you are learning the present perfect, and then a few weeks later, you are learning the future, that's crazy.
If we say when a past event happened (for example, by using time-adverbs), we do not usually use the present perfect.
The English stative passive voice sentences can be the simple present, the simple past, the present perfect or the part perfect.
If zombies are rushing your base after a new wave, it might just be the perfect time to sprint past and try to capture their spawn point.
Our company will be as in the past cherished customers love and trust, the pursuit of perfect quality of service forever, let customer satisfaction report writing.
To grasp the usage of the tenses, including the present, past, future tense and continue, perfect tense.
掌握现在时,过去时,未来时, 进行时, 完成时的各种用法。
Too little have I experienced this in the past, but I will cry to God and wait upon Him to perfect his work in me.
When we talk about past events which have no present importance, we do not use the present perfect.
When we want to talk about actions or situations which started in the past and have continued up to the present, we often use the present perfect to show the connection between past and present.
There are three kinds of shapes of the tenses in the Utopia Novels of the later Qing Dynasty: the future past tense, the future perfect tense and the future continuous tense.
At first glance it looks as if there is no element of "present involvement" in this use of the present perfect any more than in the simple past.
We use the present perfect tense to talk about things that started in the past and still have some connection with the present.
America's founders were modern men who wanted a modern country that broke with its past to create a more perfect union.
America's founders were modern men who wanted a modern country that broke with its past to create a more perfect union.