They've managed to patch up their differences.
Combining a nicotine patch with an 'as you need it' nicotine lozenge or gum could be the best way to help smokers give up the habit, a new study has found.
Novick suggests that she take this as an opportunity to patch things up with her husband.
To get EVMS up and running, we'll grab the EVMS source archive, unpack it, and use the included kernel patches to patch a kernel source tree.
I pictured my father struggling to patch up my broken heart with a pen, and his closing words slipped like minnows through my tears.
But American scientists are now playing from behind trying to replace or patch up the infrastructure that lets us understand what's going on with our planet.
That means if one falls to pieces, those pieces could be used to patch up the other - or, in the case of an ironing board cover, make the other, in the form of a lovely new pair of mitts.
They form where giant loops of magnetism, generated deep inside the sun, well up and burst through the surface, leading to a localised drop in temperature which we see as a dark patch.
This special report has argued that after a decade of euphoria the business scene has sobered up, partly prompted by a sticky patch in the economy and the depression in the rich world.
For example, I found in those early days that the early sample policy didn't let the system update the hardware clock (I ended up submitting a patch to fix this).
Prince William's growing bald patch was captured by British media when he recently battled torrential rain to trek up a mountain with a group of young homeless people.
For example, if there's a lot of sulfate in a given patch of mud, pretty soon an organism will show up that can use that sulfate to its advantage.
The discrepancies suggests that while English people have healthier lifestyles than Americans, the latter's health care system is better able to patch them up.
Curling up in a sunny patch on the floor or even lying your head down on your desk for a quick snooze brings relaxation.
Clive Williams Henley on Thames, Oxon, UK discovered a carrot that looks like Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story while digging up his vegetable patch.
He did not look back again but bear-crawled through the ginseng patch and up the ridge, his breaths loud pants.
Gold nanorods - contained in the patch - heat up when near-infrared radiation is applied to the local area and destroys the tumor.
I basically buy five of the same suit, and then I patch them up... I have four pairs of shoes.
There was a den near the river, he said wistfully, and they'd migrate six miles up to a nice patch of open prairie full of gophers.
You can patch up many of the holes in your low-budget Web development operation if you know where to look.
Doubts remain about Beijing's ability to rev up slowing growth and patch up its frayed financial system.
Maybe you ought to apologize to her. That might help patch things up between the two of you.
Several times she came so late as scarcely to have an hour in which to patch up a meal and start for the theatre.
But that makes it harder to patch up problems, explains William Wilmot, author of Relational Communication.
All of a sudden she seemed to want to make peace and patch up our quarrel.
All of a sudden she seemed to want to make peace and patch up our quarrel.