It involved research in genetics, plant breeding, plant pathology, entomology, agronomy, soil science, and cereal technology.
This view has caused great controversy: Black Americans have fallen into a "tangle of pathology".
Introversion is now a second-class personality trait, somewhere between a disappointment and a pathology.
The objective is to investigate the possibility of auramine O fluorescent dyes in specific stain of pathology.
According to the study of pathology of cauda equina syndrome, we mentioned improved surgical treatment of cauda equina syndrome.
The app also includes illustrations and definitions of common pathology report terms.
Freud's contributions extend beyond the study of individual psychology and individual pathology.
Statistically, since the age of technology, there has been an onslaught of increasing pathology.
Genetic studies like this one, observes Morrow, "offer a fantastic opportunity to define the pathology."
像对这种的遗传研究,Morrow说, “提供了一个幻想的机会去定义病理学。”
DE Grey defines it as metabolism, which continually causes damage and damage eventually causes pathology.
Ageing involves the process of metabolism, and then deterioration, and then pathology - is that right?
Once interpreted as signs of pathology, Qaddafi's eccentricities were redefined as mere personality quirks.
In most states one must have a master's degree in speech-language pathology to work as a speech pathologist.
In 34 of the 35 patients, the PET scan, the pathologists' report and the computerized pathology report agreed.
As a guest, I dismissed all this as pathology, but I couldn't help considering his wife with profound curiosity.
Cases with diagnosable pathology are more frequent in this group and referrals to professionals need to be instituted.
"A DNA test will allow us to determine to what measure the pathology of the eye may have 'tricked' him, " he said.
“These are social animals, ” said Janice D. Wagner, a professor of pathology there. “We think they are happier that way.”
那里的一位病理学教授詹尼斯·D·瓦格纳(Janice D. Wagner)说:“他们是社会化的动物,我们认为这样做它们会感觉更幸福一些。”
I started my speech pathology practice in 1998 and gradually grew the business to 13 employees in three different offices.
According to the scientific team, only one of these four categories of gamblers actually shows signs of a significant pathology.
Terry Kirkpatrick, a professor of plant pathology at the University of Arkansas, spends a lot of time here popping open watermelons.
Correcting mechanisms of pathology requires a receptive public, one that is willing to alter diet and lifestyle for their own benefit.
We cannot doubt that one day the physician will concern himself not only with the psychology, but also with the psycho-pathology of dreams.
Presentations during the meeting explored the pathology of severe disease in detail, with findings supported by work in experimental animals.
He was convinced that all mental illness had an organic cause, and he was one of the first scientists to emphasize brain pathology in mental illness.
Not all fat is the same. “It behaves differentlyin different places,” says Carol Shively, PhD, a pathology professor at WakeForest School of Medicine.
“并不是所有的脂肪都一样”,维克森林大学医学院的病理学博士Carol Shively说道。
In short, our current mood of despair could be reversed almost instantaneously-if it is recognized as a pathology, a sort of degeneration of the spirit.
In contrast, standard pathology methods typically require three or more days to produce a diagnosis and are only 84 percent accurate, the researchers noted.
Funding also worries Ruth Itzhaki of the University of Manchester. She is the lead author of a striking paper in the latest issue of the Journal of Pathology.
Funding also worries Ruth Itzhaki of the University of Manchester. She is the lead author of a striking paper in the latest issue of the Journal of Pathology.