There is no equivalent for a girl, but in adeeply patriarchal society that doesn’t matter.
The Confucianism culture was based on the patriarchal society and small-scale peasant economy.
The first chapter examines Lily's status as an object under male gaze in the patriarchal society.
The feminist critics hold that women are obliged to be absent and silent in a patriarchal society.
The patriarchal society and family cultivates Dickinson's longing and admiration for her male directors;
What is called bad women is only the pressure and distortion of patriarchal society to female personality.
After patriarchal society came into existence in China, women were regarded as part of the property in the family.
Because of the deep-rooted patriarchal society, this kind of opposition is doomed to lead to a tragedy in the end.
Her heroines are a collective symbol of the "displaced" women in western patriarchal society in the early 20th century.
The third part points out that the novel rebels the traditional patriarchal society from anti-body narration and gender right fight.
In a recent interview she was bitterly critical of Pakistan's patriarchal society and described herself as a leading exponent of girl power.
Mother: Well, I guess it is because we live in a patriarchal society that has created a very narrow model of what a woman is supposed to look like.
AU these three women, including Mrs Morel, become victim of the patriarchal society and the stones in Paul's life road to success, to some extent.
所有三个女性,包括莫莱尔夫人,在某种程度上,都成为这个男权中心社会的受害者和男权主义者保罗走向成功的 踏 脚石。
Chapter IV is closely related with the patriarchal folk belief, folk religion in patriarchal society is an important part of the patriarchal culture.
In accordance with the theoretical viewpoints of feminism, the current passage offers a re-interpretation of the fate for women in a patriarchal society.
Aware of their own existence as women, they express their voice of struggle in the patriarchal society in which women are enslaved, dissimilated and repelled.
With such a track record, is it not presumptuous to insist that a proud, patriarchal society that has survived for 3,000 years should now instantly mirror us?
In Section II, under the yoke of oppression in the patriarchal society, they were self-restricted or oppressed by others, therefore their destiny was miserable.
James Joyce reflected on the decayed patriarchal society and embarked on the profound analysis of the root of the dead society from the feminist vintage point in The Dead.
In the patriarchal society, people rely on the idea was again soft rice rich woman's life, as willing to lose the Chiruan Fan personality, something for nothing, extreme contempt.
The analysis of House of Mirth demonstrates that both men and women are burdened with the patriarchal system and the patriarchal society is a prison house for men as well as for women.
The analysis of House of Mirth demonstrates that both men and women are burdened with the patriarchal system and the patriarchal society is a prison house for men as well as for women.