Using the mechanics concept and the temperature effect of bridge structure, the author pointed out the influence of deck pavement to structure temperature effect.
Firstly, the paper based on the analysis of deck outcome both here and abroad presents research content, method and technique route of deck pavement of Yellow River Bridge in Binzhou.
The present methods can supply the failure analysis of bridge deck pavement layer in concrete highway Bridges with a new way of study.
On the basis of above research, the prospects of applying PPFRC to bridge deck pavement are investigated.
However, the study of bridge deck pavement in our country is carried out very late, and relevant study is less, especially the study aimed for the macro-span concrete bridge is even less.
Bridge deck pavement is a important pavement structure of bridge's appurtenant works, and the shorting using life is always a difficulty which puzzles bridge workers.
Described in this paper is the settlement of some prestressed RC bridge which occurred when deck pavement was to be paved, including analysis of the causes, and recovery and enhancement thereof.
Because the protective layer is too large, the steel mesh can not play the role of anti crack, the protective layer is too small, easy to cause the cracks in the bridge deck pavement.
The steel bridge deck is a set of pavement structure, pavement materials and integrated waterproof adhesive material issue.
Aiming at the long span steel bridge deck pavement, the impacts of the pavement on orthotropic steel deck under the action of vertical and horizontal load were analyzed using finite element method.
Therefore, the research on epoxy asphalt concrete for long-span steel deck pavement was introduced into china by the steel deck pavement of 2nd Nanjing Yangtse River Bridge.
This paper studies about the asphalt deck pavement of WuHeKou Bridge by the ways of practice investigating, theory analysis and testing.
The optimum designs of long-span orthotropic steel bridge deck and its pavement system were studied based on super excellent ant colony optimization strategy.
The results show that Steel Fiber Reinforced and Polymer Modified Concrete having good impact properties, and it is one of the ideal pavement materials for concrete bridge deck.
With the increasing of the traffic and heavy vehicle, the damage to the bridge deck pavement, which influences traffic seriously, has caused a severe economical loss and a bad influence on society.
The mechanical and application condition of pavement on long span steel bridge deck is so hard that the paving material is of high requirement.
High quality aggregates are needed in the construction of Epoxy asphalt concrete for long-span steel bridge deck pavement.
The orthotropic bridge deck pavement of long span steel construction is the most complex and critical technical issues, it is a worldwide technical problems.
No honeycombs, pitting surface and cracks may exist on the surface of the waterproofing concrete along the bridge deck pavement, there shall be no cracks at the construction joints.
In China, medium and minor highway bridge applying simple-supported beam with continuous deck-pavement has been usually constructed in order to promote comfortability of driving car.
The results in this dissertation can be used to guide the design and construction of the bridge deck pavement.
The defects of the traditional bridge deck pavement of poor heat stability, easy cracking and poor fatigue resistance and water resistance.
The thesis analyses two common diseases that are bridge deck pavement destroying and the bump of vehicles on heads of bridge.
The bridge deck pavement, as an important part of the bridge, has a direct impact on driving safety, comfort and durability of the bridge.
Through many engineering practices and wild range study, China's steel bridge deck pavement technology made considerable progress and formed a relative mature technology of asphalt concrete pavement.
Through many engineering practices and wild range study, China's steel bridge deck pavement technology made considerable progress and formed a relative mature technology of asphalt concrete pavement.