When the recipient redeems the gift notice at any Social Vending System machine, he or she can reply with a thank you or pay it forward by gifting a drink to someone else.
It beautifully depicts the benefit of being nice to someone for no personal gain and then encouraging them to "pay it forward" to another party.
In other words, the IBM software division - or the remmants of it - had to "pay its own way" moving forward.
The concept is not new: in 2000, the movie "Pay It Forward" pondered the effect of favours being passed on rather than being returned.
这个观点并不是新的:在2000年,电影《把爱传出去》(“Pay It Forward”)就在思考将接受的恩惠传递下去而不是反馈回去的作用。
The iPad 2 has pretty much solidified the tablet market for Apple moving forward. It has a hugely loyal fan base that is willing to pay any price to own its products.
For example, if a company knows that will need a particular foreign currency to pay a bill in a month's time, a forward deal enables it to protect itself.
"If you get a good meal and you want to pay it forward, you can," founder Dan Newman told The Huffington Post.
Thankful people make it a habit to acknowledge and pay forward each bit of kindness that comes their way, whether it's a simple compliment, help on a task or getting flowers.
It discusses knowledge deserved to pay attention in a project running, and then puts forward an index system of level evaluation on the knowledge reuse.
Furthermore, it points out that we pay less attention to it in our traditional language teaching, and theoretically put forward an ideal model for language teaching.
This article talks about the main idea of librarians continual education, the approach to make it become reality and brings forward some problems we should pay attention to.
Furthermore, it points out that we pay less attention to it in our traditional language teaching, and theoretically put forward an ideal model for LAN...
For centuries Jinhua Mountain has become a scared place where scholars and visitors look forward to going, and it also is a Buddhist rite which pilgrims, monks and Buddhist nuns pay homage to.
千百年来 ,九华山就成为文人游客向往骏奔的圣地、香客僧尼顶礼膜拜的道场。
For centuries Jinhua Mountain has become a scared place where scholars and visitors look forward to going, and it also is a Buddhist rite which pilgrims, monks and Buddhist nuns pay homage to.
千百年来 ,九华山就成为文人游客向往骏奔的圣地、香客僧尼顶礼膜拜的道场。