The primitive business functions would be things like ship a product, restock inventory, or pay a bill.
For example, you could need $300 to get a web design for your latest project, or $200 to pay a bill that came up unexpectedly.
For example, if a company knows that will need a particular foreign currency to pay a bill in a month's time, a forward deal enables it to protect itself.
Where two or more persons offer to pay a bill for the honour of different parties, the person whose payment will discharge most parties to the bill shall have the preference .
Other requests have included asking for embassy staff to pay a bill when a credit card had "maxed out" and a traveller asking "Can you tell me how to make my naughty son behave?
Other requests have included asking for embassy staff to pay a bill when a credit card had "maxed out" and a traveller asking "Can you t ell me how to make my naughty son behave?"
The ten second rule Every time you go to make any purchase, even when you pay a bill, stop for ten seconds and ask yourself if this is really something you want to spend your money on.
I would rather pay for a meal than watch nine friends pick over and split a bill.
Though Andrea kept her job as a school bus driver, she knew that they couldn't pay their bill and support their youngest of five children, Zack, age nine, on one income.
Studies in restaurants show that the tips left by customers who pay their bill in cash tend to be larger when the bill is presented on a tray that bears a credit-card logo.
Who then is actually responsible for the size of the bill a housewife must pay before she carries the food home from the store?
A similar bill that requires inmates to pay for their incarceration was introduced in New Jersey this year; so was another one in Georgia, which was rejected.
When you pay the credit card bill, you would record a decrease in the cash asset account on the balance sheet and a decrease in the "accounts payable" account on the balance sheet.
"The right analogy for raising the debt limit is having a spending spree with your credit card and then refusing to pay your bill," he said.
The credit card details must be stored with Amazon, they cannot simply be entered when a bill is due-it is a pay-as-you-go model.
c. to accept a bill of exchange (“draft”) drawn by the beneficiary and pay at maturity if the credit is available by acceptance.
So why would anyone pay more then 20 dollars for a 20-dollar bill?
That's often why warehouse clubs are so popular, but there's no need to pay up for a membership to cut your grocery bill.
When I have something I have to remember (a bill to pay in a few weeks for instance) I put it in a prominent place on the pin board above my computer.
Pay your savings just like you would a utility bill, add it to your savings and deduct it from your checking.
Even though countless human pursuits require water, it is only when we experience a water shortage or pay a water bill that we think much about this indispensable fluid.
But if the scheme does not pay off, the starry-eyed lover could be paying off the bill for a very long time, looking rather a stupid Cupid in the process.
If you start to notice that she's expecting you to pay for everything but the kitchen sink, your credit card bill should be enough of a red flag to warrant an emergency landing.
The family had to take out a loan to pay a hospital bill that amounted to a third of their annual income.
Aesthetics are nice, but they can't pay the electricity bill when a skylight lets in too much light and heat, causing the air conditioner to work overtime. Or can they?
Devices are grouped into packages containing different carriers and handsets from around the world; customers choose which packages they want and pay a monthly bill for hours used.
Devices are grouped into packages containing different carriers and handsets from around the world; customers choose which packages they want and pay a monthly bill for hours used.