Pay application fee with the application package together or at registration after arrival. Application fee is non-refundable.
Article 13. After the publication of the application for a patent for invention, the applicant may require the entity or individual exploiting the invention to pay an appropriate fee.
Rather, members pay a $60 annual fee and $25 application fee to join and get a keycard.
Or users would have to pay Twitter and Facebook a monthly fee just for using the TweetDeck application.
Customers can pay a monthly fee to get rid of the advertisements or to install the application on iPhones and other mobile devices.
Travellers may now have to pay a service fee to the company handling their application on top of the standard visa fee.
Applicant should pay the Entrance fee and Deposit to the bank or agent office, which is assigned by the club, or the club, within 7 days after its application has been received by the club.
You do not need to make a new appointment, you do not need to pay a new application fee, and you do not need to fill out a new application form.
On the day of interview, the applicants should pay HK$200 entrance fee which will be returned only if the application is not successful.
So if you have on-line application, and you can pay your fee with your credit card, so everything can happen, virtually happens overnight.
After the publication of the application for a patent for invention, the applicant may require the entity or individual exploiting the invention to pay an appropriate fee.
We can facilitate the communication, furnish the necessary financial documentation and pay applicable application fee as needed.
Simply fill in an application form, pay the membership fee, and wait for approval by the club committee.
Q13: To pay the application fee, can I buy the bank draft before I go to your office?
Exhibitors should pay the exhibition fee in 5 working days after the application. The book booth for exhibitors that have not paid the exhibition fee would not be reserved.
JJ:Actually, if you do not pay the application fee, it is likely that the graduate school will not send your files to our department.
This paper puts forward the application of wireless POS networks real-time system to solve customers pay fee problem. Wireless POS real-time networking system architecture, security strate...
This paper puts forward the application of wireless POS networks real-time system to solve customers pay fee problem. Wireless POS real-time networking system architecture, security strate...