A quill pen on writing paper demands you to care and pay attention to grammar, tidiness, controlled thinking.
Pay attention to your internal dialogue, and learn to notice when you allow negativity or doubt to control the course of your thinking.
This is often done unconsciously, as few pay attention to their thoughts and the words they use while thinking, and let outside circumstances and situations determine what they think about.
I have always believed that you have to pay close attention to what the other guy is thinking; Tim just anticipates what others might need.
In this step, you need to pay attention to your thinking and identify the automatic thoughts that come to your mind in a given situation.
When you look around in the world (especially if you pay attention to the media, which I do not recommend), you're probably already thinking, "Oh, Lord." Look what's happening here.
And maybe - just maybe - we'd somehow move beyond thinking that free stuff isn't valuable and we would actually sit up and pay attention to value rather than cost.
It's possible that people who have better thinking and memory skills might pay closer attention to what they're eating, she explained.
Pay attention to you internal dialogue, and learn to notice when you allow negativity or doubt to control the course of your thinking.
With insufficient sleep, thinking slows, it is harder to focus and pay attention, and people are more likely to make poor decisions and take undue risks.
Especially we should pay much attention to their developing into the way of thinking according to law.
Stop negative thoughts. Pay attention to the messages you give yourself. When you catch yourself thinking your job is terrible, stop the thought in its tracks.
Pointed out that mathematics teaching must pay attention to the teaching of mathematical thinking, but also put forward a mathematical way of thinking in teaching the importance.
Watching more entertainment can make their thinking more active, pay attention to keep up with the trend.
These children are multi-tasking, and they do not have the luxury or the freedom of their minds and thinking to pay attention to the subtle non-verbal cues of other children around them.
For a long time, people mainly pay attention to the study of mathematics abstract thinking, while rarely care for mathematics visual thinking.
I do it at pains and pay my attention to one point to experience by heart. I think over what I felt by my heart, such thinking may become more rational and then converting it to a feeling.
When you are thinking about how you spend your time, pay close attention to your physical response, to what your gut tells you.
It how is pay attention to pursue movable interest to let in the meantime the usefulness more previous floor of activity then us continuously the problem of thinking.
Most people are actually too busy thinking about themselves to pay attention to what you're doing or not doing.
The English teaching should pay attention not only to the individual thought format, but to the social thought format in order to cross over the barriers of English thinking.
Several respects, should bepaid attention to first, pay attention to the cultivation of different thinking;
The universities and colleges should pay attention to the cultivating of students' creative thinking, including both diffusive thinking and imaginative power.
We should pay attention to incarnate course of turn thinking, conquer negative infection of the turn thinking in teaching.
With insufficient sleep, thinking slows, it is harder to focus and pay attention, and people are more likely to make poor decisions and take undue risks.
In the meantime, it must pay attention to the training of thinking ability with symbolic-graphic combination in the course.
According to teaching laws we must give the students a great deal of basic and skillful training and we must also pay more attention to creative thinking while teaching.
According to teaching laws we must give the students a great deal of basic and skillful training and we must also pay more attention to creative thinking while teaching.